I don't drink beer and only occasionally have a glass of wine. I don't smoke. My major "vice" is reading. I always have a book that I am reading - sometimes more than one. I have a book stand that I keep on the table at home where I put my book so that I can read while I eat. Sometimes I am multi-tasking, watching a program on TV, reading a book, and eating. I keep another book stand in my lunch bag. I use it at work in the lunch room so I can read while I eat there. I subscribe to Ellery Queen and Alfred Hitchcock short story magazines. I keep one of them in my back pack just in case I finish a book and don't have another one ready to read.
The first book I remember reading was a mini-book with Longfellow's poem "The Song of Hiawatha" that my first grade teacher had in her little closet library. My sister and I used to walk several blocks to where the book-mobile parked in front of the Community Church each week (we didn't have a library in our town). We would walk home with a grocery sack full of books, read them during the week and take them back the next Saturday. I have over 50 Bobbsey Twins books that I bought with my own money when I was a kid. I read Michener and Jean Auel as each of their new massive novels came out in paperback. I was angry when I found J.R.R.Tolkein on the Science Fiction shelf in the store but soon discovered the appellation "and Fantasy". Now one of my favorite authors is Anne McCaffrey. I love all of her series especially the Pern books. I read Steinbeck, Solzhenitsyn , and Issac Bashevits Singer and I love Sholem Aleichem. I read the Little House books as an adult and the Anne of Green Gables series. As a college student I was introduced to Winnie the Pooh and am a fan of "Piglet" and "Heffalumps".
I read novels, mysteries and sci-fi. I don't like "terror" books. The only Stephen King I have read is "The Stand" but I liked it. I even read some romance novels and am a great fan of Harry Potter. I rarely read non-fiction but I loved "Three Cups of Tea".
I have been spending some time updating my books on "goodreads" from the pile of books I have read in the last few years. You can see see from the list that I read James Patterson and John Grisham and another of my recent favorites is Alexander-McCall-Smith.