Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 130 - Rhubarb Flower

This lovely flower is from the rhubarb plant. You should not let your rhubarb flower like this because the leaf stalks become very small and thin when growing along this flower stalk, thus not enough to cut to cook with! I cut them right after this photo.

Day 129 - Tom and his granddaughter

My friend Tom with his youngest granddaughter.

Day 128 - White Lilacs

The white lilacs are green until they bloom into pure white little individual blossoms.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 127 - Lilacs

The lilacs are in full bloom now.

Day 126 - Tulips

Yellow tulips in my back yard. Love the shiny yellow!

Day 125 - Story-teller Turtles

Continuing with the "Story-teller" theme - I also love turtles,
so these are my little story-teller turtles.

Day 124 - Albanian Vase

On my living room mantle - a vase that was a gift from Becca's friend Turi when we visited her in Peshkopi (Albania). It is a nice example of folk art. On the right is a dreidle from Jerusalem and on the left are two candles from Israel also.

Day 123 - Story-Teller Dolls

I love story-teller dolls but I don't have any large ones.
All mine are small like this one that I got on a trip to New Mexico.

Day 122 - More Service Dogs

These beautiful bomb sniffing dogs were on their way to St. Louis this morning. Tarzan and Kely work for the Denver Federal Reserve Bank Protection Department. I love it that I am getting a small collection of dog trading cards!

Day 121 - May Day Lilacs

It's May Day!
The lilacs are starting to bloom
in my back yard.

Day 120 - Tulips

These tulips are hiding under a bush in my side yard.
The previous owner of my house had planted them (and all the grape hyacinths from day 100).

Day 119 - Basket of Gold

One of my favorite Spring flowers is this "Basket of Gold" aka Alyssum montanum 'Mountain Gold'. I love the wonder mounds of bright yellow flowers.

Day 118 - Pet Dog

This big guy was waiting outside at Safeway while one of his people shopped. First he barked at me then tried to hug me! Very sweet for a big dog!

Day 117 - Flowering Trees

My friend Kathy has several flowering trees in her back yard. They are really pretty this year.

Day 116 - Service Dog

This beautiful girl was a passenger on one of my flights today. She is a service dog who helps her lady with balance. Gotta love that face!

Day 115 - Sunrise in the Neighborhood

It is sunrise in the neighborhood! Taken as I left the house to drive to work at 6 am.

Day 114 - DIA Blue Horse

The view of the DIA Blue Horse from the employee parking lot.