I have been working at one of Denver's 13 Early Voting sites since the 25th. Yesterday, a reporter from the Rocky Mountain News came to our site. This is a photo of several of the judges that I have been working with. We are open from 11 am to 7 pm each day. Today we served about 300 voters. Each voter comes in and checks in with the Registration judges. They are hooked by computer to the master poll book for the whole city. Then the voter is handed a paper ballot that corresponds to their precinct in the city. Denver has decided have as their election model, paper ballots this year. Because of the HAVA (Help America Vote Act) each center also has some touch screen voting machines. I voted using the machine. It was easy. There is a paper backup for these machines. I am worried about the time it will take Denver to process all of those paper ballots, even with 9 fast scanners working. Some of those ballots will have to be duplicated because of stray marks on the ballot or miss-marked ballots (people who marked with 'X' instead of the little line between the arrows. It was faster. I had my 'cheat sheet' with my choices ready. I am done. I think I will also be working at a polling place on Election Day. I have been an Election Judge during every election for about 30 years. I enjoy doing my part to keep our democracy.
If you haven't already - VOTE!!!!