Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 80 - Cookie Stamps

Some of the cookie stamps that I designed and made for the volunteer leaders at a group of Girl Scout Day Camps I worked for during the summer of 1986. Each camp had a different theme and thus a different design for the stamp.

To make the stamps I took some clay to make the design then I used a square plastic freezer box and filled it part way with wet plaster. I then put the piece of clay with the design in the plaster. After that dried I put something on the plaster so I could pour more wet plaster in the box to make the top of the mold. After removing the clay model you then have a plaster mold you can use. You have to leave a hole in the top so you can pour clay slip into the mold. This is just like the molds that you use to make any kind of ceramics. I used stoneware slip. After removing the greenware from the mold and cleaning it, I had them fired at the local recreation center. I still have all of the molds but haven't done anything like that for a long time.

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