Day 304
One of the souvenirs I bought on the trip to the Philippines was a wonderful bag. This is a close-up of the fabric it is made from. (the fabric is probably from Indonesia) I love this type of printed cotton.
Day 30511/01/2010
Some of the bracelets I bought at Davao's Aldevinco Shopping Center. This is well-known for its boutiques that sell indigenous souvenir items and is one of my favorite shopping destinations. It was great shopping with my "niece" Shingay who is a gifted bargainer! I will be selling them at the FACC fiesta next year.
Day 306
We also found these cute little bags in Davao. Becca immediately decided to use one for her iPod. The ones that I have left will also be for my booth at the FACC fiesta.

Day 308
We also bought some of these colorful "magic" bags that unzip into larger tote bags. They also are to be sold at the FACC Fiesta in June.
Day 309
I told Becca I needed a fan and a hat for the Philippine sun. We found these fans that turn into hats and ended up buying a package of them. The ones we don't keep will also be sold at the Fiesta.

Day 325
A selection of river pearl bracelets from the Philippines to sell at the FACC Fiesta in the spring.
Day 32611/22/2010
A few of the macrame and shell necklaces that I bought in Bohol, Philippines to sell.