Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Going to Norway

July 25, 2010
When my daughter
Becca was finishing her Peace Corps service in Albania she decided to see some more of the world and sent out a challenge to friends and family to join her on part of her trip. Then I found out that she was planning to visit a Denver friend currently living in Norway. I was hooked. I would love to join her there! Would Tara welcome an extra person? I work for an airline, could I schedule the trip using my non-revenue status? Could I afford it? Why did I want to go to Norway? - my Grandpa Berg was Norwegian. Both of his parents had been born there and then came to America as children. They had met in Minnesota but had come from nearby places in the old country. My Aunt Doris had visited there years ago and had sent me a letter describing a town I must visit if I ever got there. She said that our Great-Grandmother's house had been moved to become part of a folk museum there. I "Googled" Prestfoss, Norway and found that, indeed there is a museum in that town that has some farm buildings from the area. Emails went back and forth between Becca, Tara and I and an itinary was planned. We would take a bus out to Prestfoss on one day and take a trip called "Norway in a Nutshell" and do the tourist thing in Oslo. Following photos in my "365 Challenge" are from that trip.

packing my bags - kan ikke vente til neste uke i Norge - god dag til Norge
(yeah Google translate!)

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